Shipping & Delivery
At, we offer FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING to over 200 countries around the globe. To accomplish this, we ship factory direct from a hand-selected group of reputable international suppliers. Not only does this allow us to ship anywhere in the world, but it enables us to offer a huge range of unique home decor products at great low prices.
To ensure your package reaches you in a timely manner, we use only the most reliable international shipping carriers. In general, most of the items listed on our website will be shipped via ePacket (a direct partnership between China EMS and your local postal service) from our overseas fulfillment center in Asia. Upon arrival to your country, the packages will then be forwarded to a local post office for delivery to your home or business.
In the United States, ePacket shipments will be delivered by the US Postal Service. Large or heavy items may be shipped by FEDEX or UPS, depending on the location and the size of the package.
To most major countries, it typically takes 15-30 days for an order to reach its destination. This includes product preparation, packaging and processing. Exact delivery times will vary, but our goal is NOT to exceed 30 days.
Estimated shipping times are as follows. We also provide estimated delivery dates on every product page on our website.
Location | Estimated Shipping Time* |
The United States | 10-20 Business Days |
Canada | 10-25 Business Days |
United Kingdom | 10-25 Business Days |
Rest of Europe | 10-30 Business Days |
Australia, New Zealand | 10-25 Business Days |
Mexico, Central America, South America | 15-25 Business Days |
* Estimated shipping times DO NOT include processing. Processing typically takes 3-5 business days.
Unfortunately, expedited shipping from our overseas warehouses is extremely expensive. In most cases, expediting a shipment will cost more than the items themselves. This is why we DON'T offer expedited delivery on our website.
Once your package(s) leave the warehouse, we'll send an automated email with tracking information related to your order. Simply click on the tracking number(s) for the latest updates about your package(s). If you haven't received tracking information within 5 days, please contact us so we can check the status of your order.
Please keep in mind, it can take 2-5 business days for the tracking information to be updated within a shipping carrier's system. If there is no information available about your order after receiving your tracking number, please give it several more days.
If your order was dispatched more than 5 business days ago and there is still no information about your shipment, please contact us so we can look into it further.
It's always our goal to ship your items together; however, we keep our prices low by partnering with multiple suppliers to provide the best possible pricing. In some cases your items will be shipped together, other times they'll be shipped separately.
With some orders, we ask the warehouse to split the items to eliminate the risk of custom or import charges. Depending on the location, this often means that larger orders will be broken up in to separate packages.
Not only does this help to avoid unexpected import charges, but it also means that your packages will show up more quickly.
Depending on your location, import or customs charges may be applicable when your package(s) arrive. Although additional fees are rare, we ask our suppliers to list the value of your item(s) at a minimum to reduce the risk of extra charges.
We ARE NOT responsible for customs fees once your items ship out. Although import fees are rare, it's your responsibility to determine if there will be any applicable customs charges when the order arrives in your country.
If you're concerned about customs fees, feel free to contact us to determine the location of the warehouse that will be fulfilling your order.
If you have more questions about our shipping or fulfillment process, please don't hesitate to contact us.